9/16/2022 Regina’s LYCHOS paper is published in final form. Also, check out the Research Highlight in Nature: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-02773-x
8/12/2022 Regina’s paper reporting the discovery of the cholesterol-sensing protein LYCHOS is officially accepted in Science!
5/12/2022 MCB first-year student Serim Yang joins our lab: welcome Serim!
3/25/2022 Aakriti’s excellent review on metabolic inter-organelle communication is published in Molecular Metabolism!
5/12/2021 Two first-year MCB students join our lab: Peter Cathey and Julian Yano (jointly with Greg Barton’s lab). Welcome Peter and Julian!
3/1/2021 Roberta Peruzzo, an incoming postdoctoral scientist and fellow of the Italian Association for Cancer Research (AIRC) joins our lab. Welcome!
1/1/2021 Ofer’s paper is published in the Journal of Lipid Research. We report the characterization of a mysterious cholesterol-derived molecule. 4-hydroxycholesterol, as a trascriptional activator of SREBP1-dependent lipogenesis through regulation of liver-X receptor (LXR).
12/7/2020 Oliver’s paper is published online in Developmental Cell. A real tour-de-force combining organelle proteomics and sophisticated functional assays to understand the role of mTORC1 as a driver of cellular pathogenesis in Niemann-Pick type C.
9/28/2020 (socially distanced) farewell picnic for Oliver! Also welcoming 1st year MCB students Julian Yano and Peter Cathey to their first rotation in our lab.
5/8/2020 MCB graduate students Ashley Segura-Roman and Claire Goul officially join the lab. Welcome on board !!
7/21/2020 Regina’s comprehensive review on the lysosome as a cellular node for growth and destruction is published in Developmental Cell!
10/31/2019 Rosalie’s collaborative paper with Simon Fromm (James Hurley lab) on the structure and function of the lysosomal folliculin complex is officially accepted at Science. Congratulations!!
9/23/2019 Chun Yan’s paper is out Nature Cell Biology! Chun Yan discovered that ER-lysosome membrane contacts are signaling hubs that enable cholesterol-dependent mTORC1 activation, and that their aberrant trafficking activity may contribute to disrupted autophagy and overall pathogenesis of Niemann-Pick type C disease (https://rdcu.be/bRIg1).
9/9/2019 1st year MCB graduate students Ashley Segura and Hannah Nilsson join our lab for their first rotation. Welcome!
8/1/2019 MCB graduate student Madison Lehmer officially joins the lab. Welcome Madison!
7/18/2019 Chun Yan’s paper on the role of ER-lysosome contacts in cholesterol-mTORC1 signaling is officially accepted at Nature Cell Biology, congratulations!!
7/8/2019 Regina’s collaborative paper with postdoc Clive Chung in the Dan Nomura lab is out in Nature Chemical Biology! Covalent targeting of the v-ATPase provides a new avenue for mTORC1 inhibition and autophagy activation, also sheds light on how the v-ATPase regulates mTORC1. Accompanied by a very nice N&Vs by Delong Meng and Jenna Jewell.
5/24/2019 Our brilliant students Ashley and Rosalie receive their Ph.Ds. On to more groundbreaking science discoveries at FHCRC and UCSF!
5/15/2019 Regina’s collaborative paper with Clive Chung (Dan Nomura lab) is officially accepted at Nature Chemical Biology. Congratulations!!
3/21/2019 Regina is awarded an AACR-Amgen Fellowship in Clinical/Translational Cancer Research. Congratulations!
3/8/2019 Roberto presents the lab’s recent work on mTORC1 at the Damon Runyon Symposium: Accelerating Cancer Cures in New York
2/4/2019 1st year MCB graduate students Liv Jensen and Cyrus Ruediger begin their third rotation in our lab. Welcome guys!
1/6/2019 Rosalie’s review on lysosomes published in Nature Cell Biology (click here)
11/13/2018 1st year MCB graduate student Jesse Garcia begins his second rotation in our lab. Welcome Jesse!
9/1/2018 Rosalie’s Rag paper published in Nature Cell Biology (click here). Comes with a very nice N&Vs from Brendan Manning.
6/20/2018 Rosalie's paper officially accepted in Nature Cell Biology. Congratulations!!
5/18/2018 Brian walks for his MCB graduation! Great work on completing your PhD, lab won't be the same without you!
5/17/2018 The lab attends Emma's undergraduate graduation ceremony at the Greek Theatre! Congratulations on all your hard work, we'll miss you!
3/30/2018 Marie completes her 6-month internship in lab and heads back to Munich to finish her master's.
3/23/2018 Yangxue finishes a year long internship in lab! Now back to Germany to complete her master's.
10/17/2017 Collaborative paper with the Hurley lab on the structure of the Ragulator-Rag GTPase complex published in Molecular Cell (click here).
9/27/2017 Junior Specialist, Ben Croze and visiting Master's student from Munich, Marie Tofaute start in lab on the same day. Welcome!
9/23/2017 Roberto is awarded the Shurl & Kai Curci Foundation Faculty Scholarship, a joint program with the Innovative Genomics Initiative (IGI) (click here).
Left to right: Jennifer Doudna, Roberto Zoncu, Kay Curci, Robert Tjian
9/5/2017 1st year MCB graduate student Kyle Tucker begins his first rotation in our lab. Welcome Kyle!
9/1/2017 Postdoctoral fellow Regina Shin (PhD: National University of Seoul) joins the lab. Welcome!
8/30/2017 Ashley's review on the role of the lysosome in lipid homeostasis is published online in Trends in Cell Biology: click here for link.
5/1/2017 Joseph Paul joins the lab as a joint student with Andy Dillin's group. Welcome!
4/25/2017 Quanta Magazine publishes an article on the new roles of the lysosome in cellular metabolism and signaling: (click here for link)
3/30/2017 Justin presents his work at the Bay Area Aging Meeting (BAAM) at the Buck Institute for Aging Research. Brian wins the best poster prize, Roberto is awarded the Glenn Prize for Aging Research. A good day for the lab!
3/24/2017 Brian and Ashley's paper on cholesterol-mediated regulation of mTORC1 is published in Science. Congratulations!
2/05/2017 Ronja Rappold, a Master student from Heidelberg University, begins a 6-month internship in the lab. Welcome!
1/08/2017 Roberto is invited speaker for the Diabetic Cardiovascular Research Center seminar series at Washington University School of Medicine
1/05/2017 Yangxue Fu, a Master student from Heidelberg University, begins a 5-month internship in the lab. Welcome!
11/12/2016 MCB 1st year students Huntly Morrison and Matt Stephely begin their second rotation in the lab
9/19/2016 MCB 1st year student Joseph Paul begins his first rotation in the lab
8/1/2016 Marlies completes her 6-month Master's internship and returns to Utrecht.
6/24/2016 Roberto speaks at the UCSF Cancer Center Friday Seminar
6/11/2016 Roberto delivers the keynote lecture at the Gordon Research Seminar on Lysosomes and Endocytosis
5/10/2016 Christian Bindesboll, a visiting postdoc from the University of Oslo, arrives in the lab. Welcome!
5/4/2016 Roberto speaks to ASBMB Today on recent findings and future challenges in lysosomal biology: http://www.asbmb.org/asbmbtoday/201605/Features/LivelyLysosomes/
5/1/2016 MCB student Justin Zhang joins the Z-Lab. Welcome!
4/1/2016 Kelvin Cho and Emma Sydir are both awarded Amgen Scholarships. Congratulations!!
1/13/2016 Roberto is awarded the Damon Runyon-Rachleff Innovation award.
1/7/2016 Roberto is invited speaker at the UCSF Diabetes Center seminal series
1/8/2016 Utrecht University Master's student Marlies Ludikhuize beings a 6-month internship in the lab. Welcome Marlies!
1/1/2016 Ofer is awarded a 2-year National Niemann-Pick Disease Foundation (NNPDF) postdoctoral fellowship. Congratulations!
12/19/2015 Anna Thrun completes her thesis work in the lab and heads back to Berlin: best of luck Anna!!
12/1/2015 Chun-Yan Lim, a recent graduate from the National University of Singapore, joins the lab as postdoctoral fellow. Welcome!
12/1/2015 1st year MCB student Sara Choo begins her second rotation in our lab
11/23/2015 Brian Castellano presents his work at the 2015 Bay Area Aging Meeting at Stanford University
10/6/2015 Roberto presents at the weekly departmental seminar series, Tufts University Medical School (Boston, MA)
9/20/2015 1st year MCB student Justin Zhang begins his first rotation in our lab
9/6/2015 Roberto speaks at the EMBO conference on Autophagy, Chia Sardinia (Italy)
8/21/2015 Kasper heads back to the Netherlands, best of luck!
7/12/2015 Roberto is invited speaker at the Gordon Research Conference on Molecular Membrane Biology at Proctor Academy in Andover (New Hampshire)
7/1/2015 Anna Thrun, a Master's student from Berlin, joins our lab for her 6-month thesis work. Welcome Anna!
6/21/2015 Roberto is invited speaker at the Gordon Research Conference on Bioenergetics at Proctor Academy in Andover (New Hampshire)
6/19/2015 Roberto is invited speaker at the Keystone Symposia on Autophagy in Breckenridge (Colorado)
6/5/2015 Roberto is awarded the Peder Sather Center for Advanced Studies Grant award jointly with Dr. Anne Simonsen (University of Oslo)
5/14/2015 Roberto is invited speaker at the DFG Symposium “Vacuolar ATPase: A Novel Anti-Tumor Target" at the Institute of Molecular Oncology Foundation (IFOM) in Milan, Italy
5/1/2015 Two MCB/Chemical Biology graduate students join our lab: Ashley Thelen and Oliver Davis. Welcome guys!
2/1/2014 Kasper Kommeren, our third Master's student from Utrecht University (and counting..) starts a 6-month internship in the lab
12/8/2014 Roberto presents the lab's work at the 2014 American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) meeting in Philadelphia, where he is co-chair of the minisymposium titled 'Organelle Dynamics and Cross-talk in Health and Disease'
12/1/2014 MCB grad students Oliver Davis and Luke Ferro start their rotation in the lab
10/9/2014 Roberto is invited speaker at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Cell Biology program
10/6/2014 Roberto is awarded the NIH Director's New Innovator Award (click here) and (here)
9/30/2014 MCB/ChemBio grad students Ashley Thelen and Charlotte Nixon start their rotation in the lab
9/27/2014 Roberto is invited speaker at the 2nd Bay Area Trafficking Symposium (UCSF)
9/24/2014 Roberto is awarded the Edward Mallinckrodt Jr Foundation Grant
9/5/2014 Ofer Moldavski, a postdoctoral fellow and recent PhD from the Weizmann Institute, Israel, joins the lab.
9/2/2014 Bob van Eijkeren, our second Utrecht Master student, starts a 6-month internship in the lab
8/13/2014 Roberto presents the lab's work at the International Lysosomal Biology Meeting in Salvador, Brazil
8/9/2014 Reini heads home to the Netherlands after a very productive internship. Best of luck and visit again soon!
7/10/2014 The lab welcomes research assistant Dhruv Kumar
6/24/2014 Roberto is elected Pew-Stewart Scholar for Cancer Research (click here)
5/2/2014 The lab welcomes our first two official graduate students, Brian Castellano and Rosalie Lawrence!
2/10/2014 Utrecht masters student Reini van der Welle begins a 6-month research internship in the lab
2/7/2014 Two MCB students, Rosalie Lawrence and Madeleine Jensen, begin their rotation in the lab
1/1/2014 MCB graduate student Brian Castellano is the first rotation student of the Zoncu lab
1/1/2014 The Zoncu Lab officially starts!